Mitsumasa Anno Art Museum Spring Exhibitions

Dates: Wednesday 5th March - Monday 9th June

Mitsumasa Anno Art Museum Spring Exhibitions

Introducing this year’s Spring exhibition at the Mitsumasa Anno Art Museum!

Step into Spring with the Mitsumasa Art Museum Spring Exhibition: “Picture Books of Literature” (文学の絵本).

Picture Books of Literature

The works of famous literary giants such as Kenji Miyazawa, Soseki Natsume, Junichiro Tanizaki, and Yasunari Kawabata are depicted in this exhibition.

You can enjoy 43 original drawings from the “Chikuma Complete Collection of Japanese Literature”.

Exhibition Details

Dates: Wednesday 5th March – Monday 9th June

Museum Opening Times: 9:30am-5:00pm (Last entry 4:30pm)

Regular Closure: Tuesdays (or Wednesday if Tuesday is a public holiday)

Entrance Fee: General 1,000 yen, Teens 13-18yrs 600 yen, Children 6-12yrs 400 yen

Location: Mori no Naka no Ie Mitsumasa Anno Art Museum, Wakuden no Mori, 764 Tani, Kumihama-cho, Kyotango City, Post Code: 629-3559

Click here for the official website (in Japanese)

Photo Gallery


Dates: Wednesday 5th March - Monday 9th June
Mitsumasa Anno Art Museum, Wakuden no Mori